Monday, November 15, 2010


If someone starts smoking, chewing, or snuffing they can quickly become highly addicted to the substance.  Scientists estimate that cigarettes are more addictive than cocaine, heroin, and alcohol. Smoking can be very harmful to one's health causing numerous problems in the long run.  For example, a lower lung capacity, numerous cancers, emphysema, etc. 

Although smoking can cause these effects, people continue to smoke because they feel smoking makes them feel more energized and alert.  Tobacco advertising is another large reason that people may begin to smoke.  Smoking is often seen glamorized in television shows, movies, magazine advertisements, and billboards.  This glamorization is leading people, especially young people, to believe that 'smoking is cool,' which in reality it is quite the opposite.  However, in recent years the media, especially television shows, have tried to stay away from glamorizing smoking cigarettes, and instead use their show as an opportunity to let society know of the dangers of picking up this habit. 

 Once a person has a positive outlook and feels strongly about not smoking they should then inform others of the dangers and share their own personal reasons for refraining from tobacco use.  Including personal reasons can help make the facts or statistics more real for a person debating about taking up smoking or not.  If you are aware of someone that is trying to stop smoking the best thing to do  is to give them as much support as you can to help get them through this difficult time.

I personally do not use tobacco, and never have.  My parents have taught my sisters and I since we were young how bad smoking is and how bad things could result from it if we were to start the disgusting habit.  My family has given me the confidence and strength to say NO to peer pressure, and I know how lucky I am to have such an amazing support system in my life.  I was a cheerleader my whole life, and I was doing good to get through the routine with out ever having a cigarette, I can not imagine being a smoker and trying to get through it.  I do not want something like smoking holding me back on anything I want to do throughout my years of living.  My life is extremely important to me and I want to be around as long as I can living it to the fullest.

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