Sunday, November 14, 2010


 Tobacco prevention in the community plays one of the largest roles in preventing tobacco use.
  • If current youth tobacco use trends continue, then 6.4 million of today's young people will die from a tobacco-related disease
  • Cigarette smoking accounts for approximately one out of every five deaths, 20% of deaths annually.
  • Smoking prevalence was higher among adults living below poverty level, than those living above poverty level.
  • Total mortality from lung cancer is 21% higher among African Americans than in Caucasions.
  •  Cigarette smoking results in 5.1 million years of potential life lost in the United States annually
  • Studies have shown that anti-smoking programs should begin when students are young due to the important social, cognitive, biological, and emotional changes that take place during this time. 
  • Most youths that start smoking start before the legal age of 18. 
  • The states with the highest smoking prevalence in the country are Nevada, Kentucky, and Ohio.

    All of these statistics show the need for tobacco awareness throughout communities.  Not only do young people need programs in schools, but good role models as well.  There are many factors that go in to helping a person stay tobacco-free, just like there are many factors that go into making a community.  The key to tobacco prevention is teach youth from a young age how risky and possibly life-threatening this habit can be.  If everyone works together, preventing tobacco usage can be done.

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